角化细胞/表皮肿瘤Keratinocytic/epidermal tumours
癌 Carcinomas
基底细胞癌非特指 Basal cell carcinoma NOS 8090/3
结节性基底细胞癌Nodular basal cell carcinoma 8097/3
表浅性基底细胞癌Superlicial basal cell carcinoma 8091/3
微结节性基底细胞癌Micronodular basal cell carcinoma 8097/3
浸润性基底细胞癌Infiltrating basal cell carcinoma 8092/3
硬化性基底细胞癌Sclerosing/morphoeic basal cell carcinoma 8092/3
基底鳞状细胞癌Basosquamous carcinoma 8094/3
色素性鳞状细胞癌Pigmented basal cell carcinoma 8090/3
Basal cell carcinoma with sarcomatoid dilferentiation 8092/3
Basal cell carcinoma with adnexal differentiation 8090/3
纤维上皮瘤样基底细胞癌Fibroepithelial basal cell carcinoma 8093/3
鳞状细胞癌非特指型Squamous cell carcinoma NOS 0070/3
角化棘皮瘤Keratoacanthoma 8071/3
棘层松解型鳞状细胞癌Acantholytic squamous cell carcinoma 8075/3
梭形细胞鳞状细胞癌Spindle cell squamous cell carcinoma 8074/3
疣状鳞状细胞癌Verrucous squamous cell carcinoma 8051/3
腺鳞癌Adenosquamous carcinoma 8560/3
透明细胞基底细胞癌Clear cell squamous cell carcinoma 8084/3
其它少见类型Other (uncommon) variants
Squamous cell carcinoma with sarcomatoid differentiation 8074/3
淋巴上皮瘤样癌Lymphoepitheliorna-like carcinoma 8082/3
假血管性鳞状细胞癌Pseudovascular squamous cell carcinoma 8074/3
Squamous cell carcinoma with osteoclast-like giant cells 8035/3
原位鳞状细胞癌Squamous cell carcinoma in situ (Bowen disease) 8070/2
麦克细胞癌Merkel cell carcinoma8247/3
Carcinoma precursors and benign simulants Premalignant keratoses
日光性角化病Actinic keratosis 8070/0"
砷角化病Arsenical keratosis 8070/0
PUVA角化病PUVA keratosis 8070/0*
寻常疣Verruca vulgaris
跖疣Verruca plantaris
扁平疣Verruca plana
良性棘皮瘤/角化病Benign acanthomas/keratoses
脂溢性角化病Seborrhoeic keratosis 8052/0
日光性雀斑Solar lentigo 3052/0
扁平角化苔藓Lichen planus-like keratosis 8052/0
透明细胞棘皮瘤Clear cell acanthoma 8084/0"
大细胞棘皮瘤 Large cell acanthoma 8072/0"
疣状角化不良瘤Warty dyskeratoma 8054/0
其它良性角化病Other benign keratoses 8052/0
黑色素细胞肿瘤Melanocytic tumours
Melanocytic tumours in intermittently sun-exposed skin
低CSO黑色素瘤Low-CSO melanoma
(浅表扩散性黑色素瘤superficial spreading melanoma) 8743/3
Simple lentigo and lentiginous melanocyticnaevus 8742/0*
交界痣Junctional naevus 8740/0
复合痣Compound naevus8760/0Dermal naevus 8750/0
异型增生痣Dysplastic naevus 8727/0
蜘蛛痣Naevus spilus 8720/0
特殊部位痣Special-site naevi (of the breast, axilla, scalp,and ear)
晕痣Halo naevus 8723/0
梅耶森痣Meyerson naevus 8720/0
复发痣Recurrent naevus
深部穿通痣Deep penetrating naevus 8720/0
色素性上皮样黑色素细胞瘤Pigmented epithelioid melanocytoma 8780/1*
混合性痣Combined naevus, including combined
BAP1-inactivated naevus/melanocytoma8720/0
Melanocytic tumours in chronically sun-exposed skin
雀斑样恶性黑色素瘤Lentigo maligna melanoma 8742/3
促基结缔组织增生性黑色素瘤Desmoplastic melanoma 8745/3
Spitz肿瘤Spitz tumours
恶性Spitz痣Malignant Spitz tumour (Spitz melanoma)8770/3
Spitz痣Spitz naevus 8770/0
色素性梭形细胞痣Pigmented spindle cell naevus (Reed naevus) 8770/0
肢端皮肤色素细胞肿瘤Melanocytic tumours in acral skin
肢端黑色素瘤Acral melanoma 8744/3
肢端痣Acral naevus 8744/0
生殖道和黏膜黑色素细胞肿瘤Genital and mucosal melanocytic tumours
Mucosal melanomas (genital, oral, sinonasal) 8720/3
黏膜雀斑黑色素瘤Mucosal lentiginous melanoma 8746/3
黏膜结节性黑色素瘤Mucosal nodular melanoma 8721/3
生殖道痣Genital naevus 8720/0
起源于蓝痣的黑色素细胞肿瘤Melanocytic tumours arising in blue naevus
起源于蓝痣的黑色素瘤Melanoma arising in blue naevus 8780/3
蓝痣非特指型Blue naevus NOS 8780/0
细胞性蓝痣Cellular blue naevus 8790/0
胎记Mongolian spot
伊藤痣Naevus of Ito
太田痣Naevus of Ota
Melanocytic tumours arising in congenital naevi
Melanoma arising in giant congenital naevus8761/3
先天性色素细胞痣Congenital melanocytic naevus 8761/0
Proliferative nodules in congenital melanocytic naevus 8762/1
眼色素细胞肿瘤Ocular melanocytic tumours
葡萄膜黑素瘤Uveal melanoma
上皮样细胞黑色素瘤Epithelioid cell melanoma 8771/3
梭形细胞黑色素瘤,A型Spindle cell melanoma, type A 8773/3
梭形细胞黑色素瘤,B型Spindle cell melanoma, type B 8774/3
结膜黑色素瘤Conjunctival melanoma
黑色素瘤非特指型Melanoma NOS 8720/3
Conjunctival primary acquired melanosis with atypia/melanoma in situ 8720/2
结膜痣Conjunctival naevus 8720/0
Nodular, naevoid, and metastatic melanomas
结节性黑色素瘤Nodular melanoma 8721/3
痣样黑色素瘤Naevoid melanoma 8720/3
转移性黑色素瘤Metastatic melanoma 8720/6
附属器肿瘤Appendageal tumours
Malignant tumours with apocrine and eccrine differentiation
附属器腺癌非特指型Adnexal adenocarcinoma NOS 8390/3
微囊性附属器癌Microcystic adnexal carcinoma 8407/3
汗孔癌Porocarcinoma 8409/3
原位汗孔癌Porocarcinoma in situ3409/2
起源于螺旋腺瘤·、圆柱瘤或螺旋腺圆柱瘤的恶性肿瘤Malignant neoplasms arising from spiradenoma.cylindroma, or spiradenocylindroma8403/3
恶性混合瘤Malignant mixed tumour 8940/3
汗腺癌Hidradenocarcinoma 8402/3
黏液癌Mucinous carcinoma 8480/3
Endocrine mucin-producing sweat gland carcinoma 8509/3
指乳头状汗腺癌Digital papillary adenocarcinoma 8408/3
腺样囊性癌Adenoid cystic carcinoma 8200/3
大汗腺癌Apocrine carcinoma 8401/3
鳞状小汗腺导管癌Squamoid eccrine ductal carcinoma 8560/3
管状乳头状囊腺瘤Syringocystadenocarcinoma papillilerum 8406/3*
分泌性癌Secretory carcinoma 8502/3
筛状癌Cribriform carcinoma 6201/3
印戒细胞/组织细胞样癌Signet-ring cell/histiocytoid carcinoma 8490/3
Benign tumours with apocrine and eccrine differentiation
汗腺囊瘤/囊腺瘤Hidrocystoma/cystadenoma 8404/0
汗孔瘤Poroma 8407/0
汗管纤维腺瘤Syringofibroadenoma 8409/0
汗腺瘤Hidradenoma 8392/0
螺旋腺瘤Spiradenoma 8402/0
圆柱瘤Cylindroma 8403/0
小管腺瘤Tubular adenoma 8200/0
乳头状汗管囊腺瘤Syringocystadenoma papilliferum 8211/0
混合瘤Mixed tumour 8406/0
伴有毛囊分化的恶性肿瘤Malignant tumours with follicular differentiation
毛母质癌;Pilomatrical carcinoma 6110/3
增生性毛外根鞘瘤 Proliferating trichilernmal turnour 8103/1
毛母细胞癌/癌肉瘤Trichoblastic carcinorna/carcinosarcoma 8100/3
外毛根鞘癌Trichilemmal carcinoma 8102/3
伴毛囊分化的良性肿瘤Benign tumours with follicular differentiation
毛母细胞瘤Trichoblastoma 8100/0
毛母质瘤Pilomatricoma 8110/0
外毛根鞘瘤Trichilemmoma 8102/0
毛囊瘤Trichofolliculoma 8101/0
毛鞘棘皮瘤Pilar sheath acanthoma 8104/0
毛囊漏斗肿瘤Tumour of the follicular infundibulum 8104/0
黑素细胞基质瘤Melanocytic matricoma 8110/0
梭形细胞为主性毛盘瘤Spindle cell-predominant trichodiscoma 8391/0
伴皮脂腺分化的肿瘤Tumours with sebaceous differentiation
皮脂腺癌Sebaceous carcinoma 8410/3
皮脂腺腺瘤Sebaceous adenoma 8410/0
皮脂瘤Sebaceoma 8410/0
部位特异性肿瘤Site-specific tumours
乳腺Paget病Mammary Paget disease 8540/3
乳腺外Paget病Extramammary Paget disease 8542/3
肛门生殖器乳腺样腺癌Adenocarcinoma of anogenital mammary-like glands 8500/3
乳头状汗腺瘤Hidradenoma papilliferum 8405/0
Fibroadenoma of anogenital mammary-like glands 9010/0
Phyllodes tumour of anogenital mammary-like glands 9020/0
造血和淋巴源性肿瘤Tumours of haematopoietic and lymphoid origin
蕈样霉菌病Mycosis fungoides 9700/3
亲毛囊性蕈样霉菌病Folliculotropic mycosis fungoides 9700/3
肉芽肿性皮肤松弛症Granulomatous slack skin 9700/3
佩吉特样网状细胞增多症Pagetoid reliculosis 9700/3
Sézary综合征Sézary syndrome 9701/3
Primary cutaneous CD30+ T-cell lymphoproliferative disorders
淋巴瘤样丘疹病Lymphomatoid papulosis 9718/1
Primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma 9718/3
Cutaneous adult T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma 9827/3
Subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma 9708/3
Cutaneous manifestations of chronic active EBV infection
Hydroa vacciniforme-like lymphoproliferative disorder 9725/1
结外NK/T细胞淋巴瘤,鼻型 Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type 9719/3
Primary cutaneous peripheral T-cell lymphomas,rare subtypes
原发皮肤gamma-delta T细胞淋巴瘤
Primary cutaneous gamma-delta T-cell lymphoma 9726/3
原发性皮肤CD8+亲表皮细胞毒性T细胞淋巴瘤Primary cutaneous CD8+ aggressive epidermotropic cytotoxic T-cell lymphoma 9709/3
原发性皮肤肢端CD8+T细胞淋巴瘤Primary cutaneous acral CD8+ T-celllymphoma 9709/3
原发性皮肤CD4+小/中型T细胞淋巴增生性疾病Primary cutaneous CD4+ small/medium T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder 9709/1
继发皮肤T细胞淋巴瘤和白血病Secondary cutaneous involvement in T-cell lymphomas and leukaemias
Systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma.ALK-positive 9714/3
Systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma,ALK-negative 9715/3
血管免疫母细胞性T细胞淋巴瘤Angioimnunoblastic T-cell lymphoma 9705/3
T细胞幼淋巴细胞性白血病T-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia 9834/3
原发性皮肤边缘区淋巴瘤Primary cutaneous marginal zone(MALT) lymphorna 9699/3
原发性皮肤滤泡中心淋巴瘤Prinary cutaneous follicle centre lymphoma 9597/3
原发性皮肤弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤,腿型 Primary cutaneous diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, leg type 9680/3
血管内大B细胞淋巴瘤Intravascular large B-cell lymphoma 9712/3
EB病毒阳性黏膜皮肤溃疡EBV-positive mucocutaneous ulcer 9680/1
淋巴瘤样肉芽肿Lymphomatoid granulomatosis
Grade 1-2 9766/1
Grade 3 9766/3
皮肤外B细胞淋巴瘤/白血病累及皮肤Cutaneous involvement in primarily extracutaneous B-cell lymphomas and leukaemias
套细胞淋巴瘤Mantle cell lymphoma 9673/3
Burkitt淋巴瘤Burkitt lymphoma 9687/3
慢性淋巴细胞性白血病/B小淋巴细胞性淋巴瘤Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma 9823/3
T-lymphoblastic and B-lymphoblasticleukaemia/lymphoma
T-lymphoblastic leukaemia/lymphoma 9837/3
B-lymphoblastic leukaenia/lymphoma 9811/3
母细胞性浆样树突状细胞肿瘤Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm 9727/3
髓系白血病累及皮肤Cutaneous involvement in myeloid leukaemia 9930/3
皮肤肥大细胞增多症Cutaneous mastocytosis 9740/1
肥大细胞肉瘤Mast cell sarcoma 9740/3
惰性系统性肥大细胞增多症Indolent systemic mastocytosis 9741/1
侵袭性系统性肥大细胞增多症Aggressive systemic mastocytosis 9741/3
系统性肥大细胞增多症伴造血系统肿瘤Systemic mastocytosis with an associated haematological neoplasm 9741/3
肥大细胞白血病Mast cell leukaemia 9742/3
组织细胞和树突状细胞肿瘤Histiocytic and dendritic cell neoplasms
朗格汉斯组织细胞增多症Langerhans cell histiocytosis 9751/1
Indeterminate cell histiocytosis/ indeterminate dendritic cell tumour 9757/3
Rosai-Dorfman病Rosai-Dorfman disease
幼年性黄色肉芽肿Juvenile xanthogranuloma
脂质肉芽肿病Erdheim-Chester disease 9749/3
网状组织细胞增多症Reticulohistiocytosis 8831/0
软组织和神经肿瘤Soft tissue and neural tumours
脂肪细胞肿瘤Adipocytic tumours
非典型脂肪瘤性肿瘤Atypical lipomatous tumour 8850/1
去分化脂肪瘤Dedifferentiated liposarcoma 8858/3
多形性脂肪肉瘤Pleomorphic liposarcoma 8854/3
脂肪瘤Lipoma 8850/0
梭形细胞/多形性脂肪瘤Spindle cell/pleomorphic lipoma 8857/0
血管脂肪瘤Angiolipoma 8861/0
表浅脂肪瘤性痣Naevus lipomatosus superficialis
Fibroblastic, myofibroblastic, and fibrohistiocytic lumours
黏液炎性纤维母细胞肉瘤Myxoinllammatory fibroblastic sarcoma 8811/1
隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤Dermatolibrosarcoma protuberans 8832/1
巨细胞纤维母细胞瘤Giant cell fibroblastoma 8834/1
Bednar瘤Bednar tumour 8833/1
Fibrosarcomatous dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans 8832/3
丛状纤维组织细胞瘤Plexiform fibrohistiocytic tumour 8835/1
表浅纤维瘤病Superficial fibromatosis 8813/1
皮肤纤维瘤(纤维组织细胞瘤)Dermatofibroma (fibrous histiocytoma) 8832/0
上皮样纤维组织细胞瘤Epithelioid fibrous histiocytoma 8830/0
腱鞘纤维瘤Fibroma of tendon sheath 8813/0
钙化性腱膜纤维瘤Calcilying aponeurotic fibroma 8816/0
硬化性纤维瘤Sclerotic fibroma 8823/0*
Nuchal型纤维瘤Nuchal-type fibroma 8810/0
Gardne纤维瘤Gardner fibroma 8810/0
多形性纤维瘤Pleomorphic fibroma 8832/0
弹力纤维Elastofibroma 8820/0
胶原纤维瘤Collagenous fibroma 8810/0
浅表肢端纤维黏液瘤Superficial acral fibromyxoma 8811/0
皮肤黏液瘤Cutaneous myxoma 8840/0
皮肤肌纤维瘤Dermatomyofibroma 8824/0
肌纤维瘤Myofibroma 8824/0
肌纤维瘤病Myofibromatosis 8824/1
斑块状CD34+真皮纤维瘤Plaque-like CD34+ dermal fibroma 8810/0
结节性筋膜炎Nodular fasciitis 8828/0
平滑肌肿瘤Smooth muscle tumours
皮肤平滑肌瘤Cutaneous leiomyoma 8890/0
Cutaneous leiomyosarcoma (atypical smooth muscle tumour) 8897/1
(肌)周细胞肿瘤(Myo)pericytic tumours
血管球留Glomus tumour 8711/0
Glomuvenous malformation(glomangiomyoma)8713/0
Glomus tumour of uncertain malignant potential 8711/1*
恶性血管球瘤Malignant glomus tumour 8711/3
肌周细胞瘤Myopericytoma 8824/0
血管平滑肌瘤Angioleiomyoma 8894/0
血管肿瘤Vascular tumours
皮肤血管肉瘤Cutaneous angiosarcoma 9120/3
混合型血管内皮瘤Composite haemangioendothelioma 9136/1
卡波西样血管内皮瘤Kaposiform haemangioendothelioma 9130/1
假肌源性血管内皮瘤Pseudomyogenic haemangioendothelioma 9138/1
网状血管内皮瘤Retiform haemangioendothelioma 9136/1
上皮样血管内皮瘤Epithelioid haemangioendothelioma 9133/3
卡波西肉瘤Kaposi sarcoma 9140/3
非典型血管病变Atypical vascular lesion 9126/0*
Cutaneous epithelioid angiomatous nodule 9125/0
樱桃血管瘤Cherry haemangioma 9120/0
窦性血管瘤Sinusoidal haemangioma 9120/0
微静脉血管瘤Microvenular haemangioma 9120/0
鞋钉样血管瘤Hobnail haemangioma 9120/0
肾小球样Glomeruloid haemangioma 9120/0
梭形细胞血管瘤Spindle cell haemangiama 9120/0
上皮样血管瘤Epithelioid haemangioma 9125/0
簇状血管瘤Tufted haemangioma 9161/0
血管角皮瘤Angiokeratoma 9141/0
幼年性血管瘤Infantile haemangioma 9131/0
Rapidly involuting congenital haemangioma 9131/0
非退化性先天性血管瘤Non-involuting congenilal haemangioma 9131/0
分叶状毛细血管瘤Lobular capillary haemangioma 9131/0
疣状静脉畸形Verrucous venous malformation 9142/0
动静脉畸形Arteriovenous malformation 9123/0
Lymphangioma (superficial lymphatic malformation) 9170/0
神经肿瘤Neural tumours
神经纤维瘤Neurofibroma 9540/0
孤立性局限性神经瘤Solitary circumscribed neuroma 9570/0
皮肤神经鞘瘤Dermal nerve sheath myxoma 9562/0
神经束膜瘤Perineurioma 9571/0
恶性神经束膜瘤Malignant perineurioma 9571/3
颗粒细胞瘤Granular cell tumour 9580/0
恶性颗粒细胞瘤Malignant granular cell tumour 9580/3
神经鞘瘤Schwannoma 9560/0
恶性外周神经鞘瘤Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour 9540/3
Epithelioid malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour 9542/3
恶性蝾螈瘤Malignant triton tumour 9561/3
分化不明肿瘤Tumours of uncertain differentiation
非典型纤维黄色瘤Atypical fibroxanthoma 8830/1
多形性皮肤肉瘤Pleomorphic dermal sarcoma 8802/3
黏液纤维肉瘤Myxofibrosarcoma 8811/3
上皮样肉瘤Epithelioid sarcoma 8804/3
皮肤透明细胞肉瘤Dermal clear cell sarcoma 9044/3
尤文肉瘤Ewing sarcoma 9364/3
原始非神经颗粒细胞瘤Primitive non-neural granular cell tumour 6990/1
细胞性神经鞘瘤Cellular neurothekeoma 9562/0